Dear Omnigraffle developers,
The SVG export feature behaves badly with arrow heads. However if I replace by hand
in there (that's in the graffle generated svg file):
everything looks perfect again (in Firefox) !
It does not seem like a lot of work to have that right.
There are similar problems with Text not being centered in shapes.
I'd love a more comprehensive translation of dot including clusters, too.
any developer reading this by any chance ?
The SVG export feature behaves badly with arrow heads. However if I replace by hand
viewBox="x y 10 8"
viewBox="0 0 10 8"
<marker orient="auto" overflow="visible" markerUnits="strokeWidth" id="StickArrow_Marker" viewBox="0 0 10 8" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="8" color="Black">
It does not seem like a lot of work to have that right.
There are similar problems with Text not being centered in shapes.
I'd love a more comprehensive translation of dot including clusters, too.
any developer reading this by any chance ?
Last edited by Vincent22; 2006-12-29 at 04:42 PM..