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I am sure there is a complicated system in place for tracking feature requests, how many people request the same feature, when they were requested, etc.

I know this list cannot and should not be made public and that even sharing specific features is problematic if down the road they don't make it into a sprint or get cut for some reason–you want to avoid backlash from people saying "you said X would be in 6.0 >.<".

I am finding myself wondering where the tool is going direction-wise with features / updates, mostly because the field I work in moves very quickly (i.e. mobile, mostly native).

Is there a roadmap of any kind that can be shared about Omnigraffle? Whether is includes very high level objectives (improving prototyping / actions), vague timelines (Omnigraffle 6.0 is slated for Spring 2013, etc), or a call for specific feedback on what features the community at large would love to see in 6.0?

I am not saying you should just create a poll and execute on whatever the top 5 rated items are (users are notorious for not knowing what they want). At the same time though, I, as a very passionate user, want to be sure you are going to give me what I want, whether it is accomplished through you being democratic or a dictator–I just want to be sure that Omnigraffle is actively being nurtured so it will continue to be the tool and not just a tool for me.

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