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Use only in english or full german? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
is it possible to OF on a german-system only in english?

Or is it possible to use english-shortwords like "1d" for 1 day instead the german "1t"?

Thank you!
- lms
It should be possible to do this (I don't remember the German equivalents of these commands, though). Quit OmniFocus and then:

1. In the Finder, select the OmniFocus application.

2. Choose Get Info.

3. Click the "Languages" triangle to reveal a checklist of languages.

4. Unselect everything except English. (Depending on your language preferences, it might suffice to unselect Deutsch, if English is your second preferred language.)

When you restart OmniFocus it will use English.
Thank you!

So there's no way to enter english short words like "1d" when another language is selected?
Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
3. Click the "Languages" triangle to reveal a checklist of languages.
There is no language field in my Finder Info box. :-(

How can I change the language?

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The languages are not viewable in 10.6. That was a 10.5 and previous option.
So I cannot change to another language than the one similar to my system language?
Originally Posted by arnoutdrenthel View Post
So I cannot change to another language than the one similar to my system language?
Hey. You can actually download the English-only version that we have available on our Download page: here.
Originally Posted by lmsboy View Post
Thank you!

So there's no way to enter english short words like "1d" when another language is selected?

I made some tests:

You can use 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w but need to enter 1maand instead of 1mo[nth] and 1j[aar] instead of 1y[ear] (field: geschatte tijd/estimated time). In German, 1mo[nat] works, too.

In the start and due fields, you can use the mentioned short forms, though 1m adds 1 month, not 1 minute. In German 1d does not work in these fields but 1t. "last", "next", "this", "now" do not work at all in German or Dutch -- you probably can use the Dutch equivalents since the German equivalents (heu[te], mor[gen], jetzt) do work. The day names only work in their English form (mon, tue, wed, and so on).

So, OmniFocus makes indeed "its best guess at things like bare numbers, times, and word fragments" in the respective language. It's a little inconsistent with day names, though. Anyway, in my opinion it would be convenient if the English short forms (1m, 1h, 1d, 1w, 1mo, 1y, last, next, this, now, and so on) would also always work, regardless in which localization OmniFocus is used.

Last edited by Steinthal; 2010-01-19 at 04:06 PM.. Reason: Added info on 1d/1t in start and due fields.
Hi, I experience a similar problem. After figuring out, that german days need a full stop to work (so, "1w mi" doesn't work but "1w mi." does work). I tried to figure out how to add times, say "1w mi. 17h" (which does not work). So, what's the system behind it? For weeks I do not need a full stop, for days I need one; ok, that's not intuitive, but I can live with it. But what have I to do, to get the times in the system. By now i write "1w mi. 5pm". But that's perfect "Denglisch". I also consider to install a full english-language version, just to get a straight system to work with. But, maybe someone can help a frustrated beggar with some advice regarding german time entries?

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