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PLEASE tell me that Omni was one of the developers allowed under the Kimono...

- Jason
Originally Posted by powerpage View Post
PLEASE tell me that Omni was one of the developers allowed under the Kimono...

- Jason
I do hope this is true. Is there any validity to the SDK being a reason why the web interface of OmniFocus was dropped? I am not seeking rumours with this question, just an explanation of this being a possibility.

Having OmniFocus on my MacBook Pro and on my iPhone seems logical. Many users do not have access to their laptops or desktops at all times; however, the access to an iPhone is as simple as your pocket or belt clip.

Secondly, I have read the forums concerning members continuing the web interface, which I commend, but I have no interest nor time to learn Rubygems and other speak that is quite foreign to me.

If one practices GTD, this would be a definite DELEGATE. If cost more, so be it. I have no problem with paying for delegation. My fear is that using OmniFocus and my iPhone is something that may not move from the WAITING context.
An iPhone version of OmniFocus (with sync of course) would literally change my life. To me, only having it on my Mac at home is only about half the problem, the other half is I need to plan, do, act and GTD while I am at the office (no Mac), in the subway, on a plane, at a restaurant, etc.

Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
An iPhone version of OmniFocus (with sync of course) would literally change my life. To me, only having it on my Mac at home is only about half the problem, the other half is I need to plan, do, act and GTD while I am at the office (no Mac), in the subway, on a plane, at a restaurant, etc.

Amen to that. Today I would have used the iPhone version of OF before I got to my office, at my office, during a staff meeting, at local Chinese restaurant during lunch, before getting my girls from school, and now, while I wait for them to finish their Brownie Troop meeting. I completed tasks at these venues and now I have to wait to get back to MacBook Pro to "complete" them on OF.

I don't know about my other GTDers, but it's not complete until I see the beautiful strikethrough and hit "Clean Up." That's a wonderful feeling.

Again, I delegate this task to all those who are much more talented than I am. Email me when an idiot like me can sync the information. I will be the first in line to buy OF then.

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