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Adding tasks in inbox on iPad deletes other tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm not sure what's happening, but I just tried to quickly add to tasks to the inbox using quick entry on the iPad. When I did that the previously existing tasks in the inbox were deleted. I was able to recover them by backing up my database on my laptop and stopping a sync with the data from the iPad.

I'm hoping that this is a bug that gets immediately fixed. I'd be glad to contact someone with whatever details they might need.

Until it's fixed, I'm very leery of using iPad version again.
Ok. Found where the missing entries went, they are now appearing in the misc file. They apparently transferred after I added additional inbox items.

At least they're not gone, so that's a bit less alarming.
On your Mac, in the Data preferences, do you have Clean Up Inbox Actions which have: set to Both a Project and a Context, or something else? It sounds like you might have it set to a Context, which causes them to go off to the Miscellaneous project after a clean up if no other project has been set. If you added the actions on the iPad, it auto-synced after a minute, the desktop picks up the actions on its next sync, a cleanup happens, that sounds like what might have happened.

I always use "both Project and Context" for that setting, as I don't want actions wandering off without being fully processed.

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