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After reading the blogpost about the plans to bring OmniFocus to iPad I made this mockup of how I hope that it will look/work:

How do you think it will be?
Nice... can't wait to see what they come up with.

As longs as it has more features than the iPhone version (filters, project perspectives) I will be good.

(or and reliable sync).

Gawds, April 2010 can't come soon enough!

I might be willing to put my MacBook away and just lug the iPad around now! All I really need is iWork, OmniFocus, OmniOutliner, and DevonThink for the iPad.....

Apple already demoed iWork; Omni Group has committed to bring OmniWares to the iPad. Now all I need is DevonThink......

what is the planned release date?

I've got the iPad but so far I have to use Appigo as Omnifocus is not available yet.

I believe the ETA is still June -- about a month away. Of course, one of the Omni folks may be able to give you more details or an actual status update.

So far, so good. I think folks will be surprised in a good way. :-)

Right now, we're on track for a release sometime in June. Not quite ready to start posting screenshots and so forth, but we do expect to do so before release.
its just is it ready yet? ;)
nice mock up. my only comment is that i like how mail works the portrait vs landscape view to better use the available screen width. i would prefer that kind of layout.

for those who don't have an ipad, in mail's portrait view you just see the message (and here would be the list) with a scroll down window (for OF, it would be the main organization tree). but in landscape view, where you have more width to work with you see it all (like shown above).

just my two cents. thanks for taking the time to make the mock up.
sgecko, I think that taska does it in a really nice way, check some screenshots

I've tried things, ToDo and TaskA and the best of them is probably TaskA.

I was using it for a few days and the batch actions and checklists are really nice. The problem is that I needed to sync with my computer so for now I'm using OF for the iphone with fullforce to get ipad resolution.
Originally Posted by deadsunrise View Post
sgecko, I think that taska does it in a really nice way, check some screenshots

I've tried things, ToDo and TaskA and the best of them is probably TaskA.

I was using it for a few days and the batch actions and checklists are really nice. The problem is that I needed to sync with my computer so for now I'm using OF for the iphone with fullforce to get ipad resolution.
I would agree with this. A couple of bugs on sorting, lack of cloud sync, and lack of desktop (although you could use Toodledo to sync with Taska) prevent me from using it full time, but it has the best interface I've seen so far with the latest update (1.06).

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