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Export tasks (including completed tasks) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am wondering if this is possible. I want to export the individual tasks from my database to another document such as a spreadsheet. The export should include the relevant items for the task such as project, context, dates, status, flagged, etc. The exported list would include even completed tasks.

I'd like to do this for a variety of reasons:
- share a list of certain items with my team to get their input.
- share the list with my boss.
- project status reports
- yearly performance reviews

Is this possible? Note that I only have Omnifocus for ipad (I don't own a Mac).
Export feature is being requested for a long time. However, not sure whether anybody hears. I have got all versions ( mac, ipad & iPhone) of omnifocus. But still I will need to send a list of tasks to my team members.

This is a wonderful GTD software in many many other aspects. Because of the lack of export feature, I recently tried another software called Getitdone. However, I am tempted to use omnifocus again because I miss the presentation and smoothness of omnifocus there.

Omnifocus guys....could you please make this feature available soon. It will be a really great feature to have for team management.
"team management"?? I thought OF was a single user app while OmniPlan is for teams. Right?
In case it helps, the Mac app exports to several different formats - check the in-app Help menu materials for details. The "PDF" button in the print panel of that edition also includes a "Mail PDF" option that would let you send a list of tasks to someone on your team.

If those options don't work for your workflow, bthomas, let us know more about your workflow so we can offer help or add you to the relevant feature requests. Which devices do you want to export from? To what formats? Whole projects? Context lists? Something else?

In general, we try to organize our work to make the most popular requests happen sooner. Export-related requests aren't at the top of that list for any of the three editions, but we're happy to add folks to those items in the database so they make their way towards the top.
I am looking for exactly the same thing as Oakbank24. I am a heavy user of Omnifocus for iPhone and iPad (but not Mac) for all of my projects. However I need to be able to demonstrate my completed tasks, status and remaining tasks of relevant projects to colleagues. I also need a way to export a list in any format you can.
I would love to see an "export via email" function on OF. A bit like the Mail Drop in reverse, just the ability to send a task.

I use OF as a collection device but would love the ability to move some of the inbox items to other places (Evernote, Pocket, etc.) most of which have "email to" functions.

Thanks for your consideration...
Having written ofexport (way too over the top and nerdy for 99% of people) and also a simple OmniOutliner plugin which took an afternoon, I know which approach I prefer :-)

If Omni adopted a plugin model for OF that worked similarly to the one for OO4 then enthusiasts could crank them out quite easily without requiring users to understand the complexities of applescript installation.

To get specific: OO could dump a temporary OPML file representing the current view and then let a plugin squirt that through an xsl transform. That way users could tune a perspective to show what they wanted and the plugin would just concern itself with formatting. That would seem to be pretty flexible.

Any thoughts?

(Sorry, just realised this is the iPad forum - moved conversation to here)

Last edited by psidnell; 2014-02-07 at 04:11 AM..

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