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iOS automation: catching up with the competition Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Omni's strength in Applescript support for automation on the Mac is a core element of competitive advantage, and lends substance to the passionate about productivity element of the Omni brand.

On iOS, however, Omni apps are falling behind the competition in automation. is on the following list, but OmniFocus for iPad isn't, and should be:

For a sense of why:
I would like, for example, to be able to:
  1. Send a string to OmniFocus from another iOS app (Drafts, Editorial etc) specifying addition of a task with some subset of [Note|Project|Context|Due|Start|Flagged]. (As on the Mac from Alfred, LaunchBar, QuickSilver, or anything with Applescript support),
  2. return control to the calling app, and
  3. get a result callback from OmniFocus (iPad|iPhone) so that the calling app knows whether the task has been successfully added.

(I would also like to be able to send simple queries to iOS OmniFocus from another app (Drafts etc), and get a callback returning a list of matching tasks).
The existing OF Quick Entry API is very useful for jumping to the Quick Entry form from another app like Drafts or Editorial, with task (and perhaps note) prefilled, but:
  1. The calling app loses focus and gets no report on success,
  2. no fields beyond Name and Note can be sent.
Where do I get the full documentation on the OF Quick Entry URL scheme?


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