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how to change order of projects in ipad? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi - I am looking to learn how to change the order that projects show up in project view on the ipad version of OF. I am starting to use the iphone and ipad versions of OF much more than the desktop, so this is important to me.

On the iphone OF (still just OF 1.x, haven't upgraded yet), in project view I just press edit, and can drag projects higher up on the list. This is reflected on all my other devices once synced. This is important to me because I have a lot of projects in the list - so it's helpful to have my small set of "hot" projects at the top of the list.

But edit doesn't seem to have this power in the Ipad OF app. Can someone tell me how to change project order on the ipad app?

Thanks - Dex
Go into the Project list, hit the edit button and wait for the project list in the side bar to show the delete symbol on the left and the 3 line icon on the right. Press the three line icon until the project is selected and then drag it up or down the list.

It should be the same as the method on the iPhone app as you mentioned.

I've just tried it on mine and it works exactly the same in both
Thanks for the help. Found my problem - when I hold the iPad in landscape mode I get the behavior you describe. In portrait mode I don't get the additional sidebar list of projects. One landscape, yes was able to rearrange project order. Thanks for affirming that it can be done.

I never thought about your issue being portrait mode, I never use that. I have mine locked to landscape mode.

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