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Allocations not detected by OmniObjectMeter? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm trying to debug a memory footprint growth of the order of 50K per minute. I start the app through OOM, and begin a new mark after I know initialization etc. has finished. Activity Monitor shows the constant footprint growth, and if I leave the app running overnight, footprint grows to > 200 M and still growing, but OOM shows nothing at all.

Are there ways to allocate memory on OSX that OOM won't be able to detect?

I'm using a trial license to run OOM, if that makes a difference.

Trial license shouldn't make a difference, but that's about the extent of my ObjectMeter knowledge, to be honest. I ran your question past one of the engineers, who had this to say:

OmniObjectMeter can't detect things like mapped files or vm_allocate/NSAllocatePages. The command line vmmap might be of use in these cases.
Hopefully that helps. You can also get help if you send email to; some folks more knowledgeable than I answer those. :-)

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