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system log getting a bunch of debug stuff in it Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I was looking at the system log file (/private/var/log/system.log) and noticed that OmniFocus is constantly dumping debugging info to that file.

While I appreciate the info might be helpful, is there somewhere I can turn this off, or turn it down? It seems to be happening even when there is no activity in the GUI and is happening separately from sync with my webdav server.

Are you running the Sneaky Peek builds? If so, I think you should expect debugging info. in the logs for now, but expect it to be toned down as they move to 1.6 final.

Nope, I'm on 1.5 (v77., which I believe is not a sneaky peek build.

The info in the logs are sporadic, so maybe it is part of some cleanup process that runs once in a while.
Originally Posted by jcg3 View Post
Nope, I'm on 1.5 (v77., which I believe is not a sneaky peek build.

The info in the logs are sporadic, so maybe it is part of some cleanup process that runs once in a while.
In preferences, under iCal, there's a checkbox for "When synchronizing, log debugging information to the console". If you turn that off, do the logs in question go away?

If you're seeing other debug logs logged to your console, please feel free to report those as bugs to our support ninjas (at and we'll clean them up. (It would help if you could send them the exact text of the logs, so we can quickly search the code for that text.) Thanks!
Aha! That's a preference I was hoping was present... guess I missed it when I looked through the preferences before.

I'll uncheck that box and see if the logging still occurs.

Thanks a bunch!

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