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A simple button request Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Could you add a simple button that would open address book and Ical as an optional toolbar item. I am constantly going between these programs in using OF and it sure would make life easier.

I know...I's all about

Thanks for your consideration....

Originally Posted by figman View Post
Could you add a simple button that would open address book and Ical as an optional toolbar item. I am constantly going between these programs in using OF and it sure would make life easier.
Use Help --> Send Feedback to submit your feature request. But I wonder why you wouldn't just use the Dock if you aren't averse to using the mouse to change apps.

Open up the Script Editor application and paste in the following:

tell application "Address Book"
end tell
Save it in your Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus folder (may have to create the OmniFocus folder in Library/Scripts/Applications if you haven't previously installed any Applescripts for OmniFocus). Now go to OmniFocus, select View->Customize Toolbar and drag the icon for Script: Address Book (or whatever you chose to call it) to the desired spot on the toolbar. Now you have your very own button to fire up the Address Book and bring it forward. Building a similar button for iCal is left as an exercise for the reader, as is customizing the toolbar icon.
You could also add scripts like the following to the toolbar:
tell application "iCal"
tell (first window whose name is "iCal")
set visible to true
end tell
end tell


tell application "Address Book"
tell first window
set visible to true
end tell
end tell
Couldn't you achieve this today with a pair of one-line AppleScripts? Put them in ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus/ and then add them to your OmniFocus toolbar.

Open iCal and Address Book


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