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Adding "Send to OmniFocus" to other iPhone apps Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
As I mentioned earlier, the OmniFocus Quick Entry API is a simple URL-based API, much like other iPhone APIs (such as those you'll find in Twittelator and Tweetie).

Here's an example of how you would add a task:
And to make things even easier for other app developers to add "Send to OmniFocus", here's some sample iPhone code which tests whether OmniFocus 1.6 is installed and sends something to it if it is:

- (BOOL)isOmniFocusInstalled;
   return [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"com.omnigroup.omnifocus:"]];

- (void)addOmniFocusTaskWithName:(NSString *)name note:(NSString *)note;
   CFStringRef legalURLCharactersToBeEscaped = (CFStringRef)@"@#$&=:/,;?+'";
   NSString *encodedName = [(NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)name, NULL, legalURLCharactersToBeEscaped, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) autorelease];
   NSString *encodedNote = [(NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)note, NULL, legalURLCharactersToBeEscaped, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) autorelease];
   NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"omnifocus:///add?name=%@&note=%@", encodedName, encodedNote]];
   [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];

- (void)sampleCode;
   if ([self isOmniFocusInstalled])
       [self addOmniFocusTaskWithName:@"Hello world & stuff" note:@"Arbitrarily long note with links like and"];
The notion behind the "is OmniFocus Installed" test is other apps can only show the option in their app for customers who have OmniFocus 1.6 installed (so it doesn't clutter up the UI for anyone who doesn't use OmniFocus).

If you'd like an app developer to add support for OmniFocus to their app, please send them a link to this post! (And if any developers would like a free copy of OmniFocus to test this integration, they're welcome to contact me at and I'll see what I can do.)

P.S. — If your app is available in multiple languages, see this later post for our translations of "Send to OmniFocus".

Last edited by Ken Case; 2010-01-10 at 10:09 AM.. Reason: Added a pointer to our translations of "Send to OmniFocus"
Is it possible to send attatchments to OmniFocus?
Originally Posted by djo View Post
Is it possible to send attachments to OmniFocus?
That's planned, but not possible yet.
A developer just asked me whether we've translated "Send to OmniFocus" to any other languages yet, and it occurs to me that other developers might have the same question! Here are translations for "Send to OmniFocus" for German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Dutch (nl), and Simplified Chinese (zh_CN):

de.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "An OmniFocus senden";
es.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "Enviar a OmniFocus";
fr.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "Envoyer à OmniFocus";
it.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "Invia a OmniFocus";
ja.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "OmniFocus に送信";
nl.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "Verstuur naar OmniFocus";
zh_CN.lproj/Localizable.strings:"Send to OmniFocus" = "发送到 OmniFocus";
I'd like to support this in my iPhone app. I'm making a shopping list app, so what I'd like to send to OmniFocus would be an entire shopping list. Is there a way of adding multiple items at once?

I suppose if not then I could add one item, then put the details in the notes, but that doesn't seem as good...

Originally Posted by amorya View Post
I'd like to support this in my iPhone app. I'm making a shopping list app, so what I'd like to send to OmniFocus would be an entire shopping list. Is there a way of adding multiple items at once?
Not at the moment, but that's certainly a good idea! We'll look into adding support for sending multiple items at once.
Originally Posted by djo View Post
Is it possible to send attatchments to OmniFocus?
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
That's planned, but not possible yet.

Any news on when attachments might be supported? The reason I ask is that a group of us use GoodReader and we would like to ask them to support Send to OmniFocus.

In case you're unfamiliar with the App, GoodReader allows you to access files on email & webDAV servers, iDisk, Google docs, Dropbox, etc. and can open most of the major formats (PDF, MS Office, iWorks, etc.).

GoodReader already supports a number of other Apps (including ToDo) so they seem pretty sympathetic to this kind of request but obviously we can't ask them to consider adding this feature before Send to OmniFocus supports attachments.

Further info is available on their website at this link.

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by endoftheQ; 2010-07-11 at 05:42 AM..
Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post

Any news on when attachments might be supported? The reason I ask is that a group of us use GoodReader and we would like to ask them to support Send to OmniFocus.

In case you're unfamiliar with the App, GoodReader allows you to access files on email & webDAV servers, iDisk, Google docs, Dropbox, etc. and can open most of the major formats (PDF, MS Office, iWorks, etc.).

GoodReader already supports a number of other Apps (including ToDo) so they seem pretty sympathetic to this kind of request but obviously we can't ask them to consider adding this feature before Send to OmniFocus supports attachments.

Further info is available on their website at this link.

Thanks for your time.
GoodReader + OF = Xmas. Let me know if you guys need more GoodReader users to send in requests for this.
I'm not familiar with GoodReader, but you can use DropBox and iDisk with OmniFocus iPhone already.

1) View the document in DropBox iPhone app that you want to add as an attachment in OmniFocus iPhone, click on the chain-link icon in the lower-left area of the screen, and select copy link to clipboard.

2) Paste the link in the note field of your OmniFocus task.

3) Click on the link to open DropBox in OmniFocus' browser. You'll see on the page a warning that you need to update Flash, but the document does appear on the page-click and there you have it.


iDisk actually works a little better than DropBox for this.
1) View the document in the iPhone iDisk app, click on the share icon, click on email link, copy the link, and cancel sending the email.

2) Paste the link in the note field of your OmniFocus task.

3) Click on the link and the document opens directly in OmniFocus' browser.

Having mentioned the above, let me say that in the near future the developer of a popular knowledge base/information manager will have the best possible solution to link attachments to OmniFocus tasks on the iPhone/iPad (desktop version of the app is needed also). For those users already using the app, nothing else will come close to matching the level of interaction between the app and OmniFocus. NDA prevents me from saying anything more specific at this time, other than to add that I am not talking about Evernote.

Last edited by Greg Jones; 2010-07-14 at 09:19 AM..
Originally Posted by hypotyposis View Post
GoodReader + OF = Xmas. Let me know if you guys need more GoodReader users to send in requests for this.
Thanks for the support hypotyposis. If and when attachments are possible, I'll start a thread encouraging Members to support each other's requests to other App developers. If I grovel, Brian might even make it 'sticky'!

I'm also hoping that amorya's request for multiple items might be met.

Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Not at the moment, but that's certainly a good idea! We'll look into adding support for sending multiple items at once.
If this happened, I know of one App developer in Japan who would be happy to include Send to OmniFocus (OK, I have to bankrupt myself entertaining him at Ichiriki Tei first!) and a colleague got really enthusiastic responses from Red Laser about supporting OmniFocus, but that was before eBay bought them out (last contact he'll ever get from them!).

I believe it would be really productive the more Apps that support OmniFocus but also great if Omni returned the compliment, ie within the OmniFocus App there would be an option to Open in GoodReader, etc.

Last edited by endoftheQ; 2010-07-14 at 10:27 AM..

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