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Is there a way to archive completed tasks. I want to be able to report on what i have and haven't done and their respective turn around times etc...
"Archiving" refers to putting items out of normal use and into storage. (See File menu → Move Old Data to Archive. Also worth pulling down the help menu and searching for "archive".)

It sounds like you want to review your completed tasks. For that, try Perspectives → Completed.

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
It sounds like you want to review your completed tasks. For that, try Perspectives → Completed.
Thank you very much :)
I use OF at the office but am behind a proxy so I cannot sync directly to MobileMe. I've been trying to work around this by exporting my OF file to a thumb drive and then dragging and dropping my "work" folder to my OF file on my laptop to sync. When I do this, I retain all of the projects but the completed tasks associated with them are gone. I've tried exporting in all available formats but none seem to allow me to export the full folder with completed tasks....
mmcormick, are you only syncing between desktop machines, or is there also an iPhone/iPod/iPad in the mix? If you've only got machines with USB ports, you can configure OmniFocus to sync directly to the USB drive, and each machine will have a complete copy of the data. Unfortunately, you can only use one sync type at a time, so you can't sync your work machine with your home machine via USB drive, and also sync with your iPhone/iPod/iPad via MobileMe.
I'd check with the support ninjas to be sure, but there may be a large number of completed actions in a database: not exporting them may be by design. (Imagine it's the first export after a year of using OmniFocus, for example.)

That said, one of the sync types that OmniFocus supports is "Disk", which is intended for pretty much exactly the use case that you're describing. You plug the thumb drive into one of your Macs, and OmniFocus uses that instead of the MobileMe server. Does that help?
Sorry for the lack of clarification. I have a mac mini (office), MacBook (home), and iPhone. The iPhone and MacBook sync with MobileMe. The mini sync's to the thumb drive. At the office I have a "work" folder in OF. When I shut down OF at the end of the day, it sync's to the thumb drive. On the train home, I double click the OF file from the thumb drive on my MacBook. This opens a second instance of OF and I drag and drop my "work" folder into the OF on the MacBook. When I view the contents after dropping, the projects are there, incomplete tasks are there, but completed tasks are gone. I've tried using completed perspectives but they do not appear there either.

Thanks much for any direction...
It looks like this has been fixed in the 1.8 Sneaky Peeks. Using drag and drop (or copy and paste) should carry over completed items. You can download the latest build from the OmniFocus Sneaky Peek page.

Last edited by Brian; 2010-04-22 at 04:41 PM..
Thank you very much!

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