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Help with folder/project architecture Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am newer to OmniFocus and need some expert advise. Please take a look at the attached screen shot. Would it be better to create subfolders instead of sub-projects? For example, should the project labeled "Fund Development " be a folder instead under HNS? Should the project "Grandparent Relations" be a folder too. The purpose of the two is to categorize my work under the folder HNS. I have tried to create a new folder but it doesn't seem to subordinate under the master folder well. The manual isn't real clear regarding groups and outlines. Any help, any advice, would be welcomed!
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ID:	1503  
It is possible to use either approach (folder full of projects, or giant project with sub-projects, or even a combination). One advantage of separate projects is that you get to use all of the tools for scheduling, reviewing, etc. With the sub-project approach, you lose some of that flexibility. On the other hand, if you need to have complicated interdependencies (can't do this thing until that thing in another project is done), it is easier to express such relationships in a single project. Adding new actions to the multiple projects approach is easier because the names are visible in the inspector, whereas with the sub-project approach you have to do drag and drop.

One nice thing about OmniFocus is that your choices are rarely cast in stone. You can switch between these approaches fairly easily, with no loss of data.
Just for fun–I actually got rid of folders altogether. All my projects are 'strictly GTD' (or aiming to be anyway): start with a verb, anything that is more than on action step gets its own project, etc. This may not work for you, but I'm truly enjoying it, and I must say that the stability of OF is one of the things that make this "simple" model actually very workable so that you don't have to feel (i.e. not necessarily consciously) you need to limit yourself to a 'workable' number of projects.
By the way, thanks again whpalmer for the "re-ordering selection" tip, beautifully simple, but it has truly made my workflow really smooth now!
Thank you. I wish I had someone in Hawaii to consult with one on one. :-)
What is the re-ordering selection tip?
Originally Posted by lezuka View Post
What is the re-ordering selection tip?
You can select items in the sidebar and use the edit>sort>... command (credit: whpalmer)

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