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Deleted items--longevity? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sorry if this is a stupid newbie question. How long will the deleted items stay within the database before they're wiped? Is there a way to adjust the time?:confused:
So no one knows how long deleted tasks will stay archived?
In at least some circumstances, I believe the answer is "it depends..."

Are you using only the iPad app? Do you do syncing (via wireless, not the iTunes variety)? If you use OmniFocus' sync mechanism, the deleted action is retained until your database is compacted, which barring deliberate actions to the contrary, will be at least an hour later. If you do not do any syncing, the history trail may be more ephemeral, though deleted actions might still be retrieved from an iTunes backup.

For a definitive answer on the behavior, especially for the no syncing scenario, and assistance retrieving lost changes from a backup, you should contact the Omni support ninjas, details at

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