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Know of an iOS app that supports "Send to OmniFocus"? Post here! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
DraftPad (free) is one I came across last week that supports StOF. App launches directly to a notepad, lets you decide what to do with the note later (send to a ton of different apps, customized emails and other apps if you know the helper call function (whatever it's called, like "omnifocus:///").
Cyberspace, universal web browser for iPad and iPhone allows you to send to OmniFocus. Toggle switch in Settings>Cyberspace>Actions & Services.
Is it good to have a browser send to OmniFocus? I'm not sure myself.

Personally I'd prefer to have it send to Instapaper where I can select only the relevant verbs and send them to OF. Personal preference and depends on what you're doing of course.
Hi All,

I recently released an email reader that allows you to send an email to OmniFocus. You instantiate this action while viewing an email and it will launch OmniFocus using the 'add' URL with the subject filled in as the title and the email body as a note

eMailGanizer, itself, is an email reader that was designed with GTD in mind. While it's main focus is on getting your emails into your reference folders as fast as possible, it also is aware of @context folders, and it allows for adding emails to your calendar as well as OmniFocus.

You can learn more about eMailGanizer at:

or download it for free at:


What's the difference between the free version and the Pro version, besides a $5 outlay?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
What's the difference between the free version and the Pro version, besides a $5 outlay?
The difference between the Pro and the ad-supported versions of eMailGanizer is the advertisements and the resulting screen real-estate side affects. You can upgrade within the app and that is the recommended path.
your OmniFocus Action Link Creator doesn't work with iphone. The link just shows up as non-clickable text so you can't use it to add a task on the iphone. Am I missing something?
I asked Henrik last year if he'd consider a modification to the StOF function in Underscore Notify, which he has kindly incorporated into the recently released v.4.

Now, if you send a link to OF from UN, it links to an actual page within a notebook, useful if you have large multi-page scrapbooks.

He also mentioned that the next release should incorporate iCloud support so that notebooks will be automatically synced across devices.
Launch Center supports Send to OmniFocus (StOF) and is currently on sale at 99¢. You can set up a variety of OF lists, ie. clipboard becomes note, etc. as well as schedule an action entry, ie. create action at 5pm every day.

It's an iPhone app (not Universal) but will run on iPad at iPhone original resolution or pixel-doubled.
Drafts by Agile Tortoise supports "send to Omnifocus" and "Add in Omnifocus as Note". It's a great little app with a lot of sharing support, Markdown and TextExpander Touch support.

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