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Mail's "Send to OmniFocus" keyboard shortcut broken Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just upgraded to 10.7.3 and I'm thinking it busted the keyboard shortcut that sends an e-mail to OmniFocus. When I opened Mail a message box popped up saying this plugin was disabled (not compatible with new OS, I guess). Could this be the case or has something else happened? Looking for a fix! Thanks.
I just upgraded to 10.7.3 and I'm thinking it busted the keyboard shortcut that sends an e-mail to OmniFocus. When I opened Mail a message box popped up saying this plugin was disabled (not compatible with new OS, I guess). Could this be the case or has something else happened? Looking for a fix! Thanks.
Go to the OmniFocus preferences, click on the Clippings pane, reinstall the Clip-o-Tron. Apple automatically disables the plug-in when Mail changes.
Thanks tons - all is well now!
Originally Posted by tjfallis@blackrockmarketi View Post
I just upgraded to 10.7.3 and I'm thinking it busted the keyboard shortcut that sends an e-mail to OmniFocus. When I opened Mail a message box popped up saying this plugin was disabled (not compatible with new OS, I guess). Could this be the case or has something else happened? Looking for a fix! Thanks.
Uninstall and reinstall the clip-o-tron.

And search the forums. This comes up EVERY SINGLE TIME there's an OS X update. Every. Time.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Go to the OmniFocus preferences, click on the Clippings pane, reinstall the Clip-o-Tron. Apple automatically disables the plug-in when Mail changes.
I tried that several times, both using the "Remove" button in the Clippings pane and re-installing it as well as deleting the plugin directly in the shell.

Maybe I should edit the Info.plist directly? Can you post the required UUIDs?
thx for no replies. i got it to work anyways.

for some mysterious reason:

1) re-download the DMG, even if (as in my case) version number is exactly the same as your existing copy
2) run omnifocus from the mounted image, i.e. not your existing copy
3) re-install clip-o-tron frmo within that mounted image
4) quit and dismount
5) open mail and focus and see that it works
my experience is just open preference and reinstall mail clip-o-tron and it resumes functionally.

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