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Feature request: add simple text markups to iPad Notes editor Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

For the past few months, I've been using OmniFocus iPad along with OmniFocus iPhone & Mac. I'm still very new to the OmniFocus world, and I have a lot to learn, but I found myself looking for this feature many times while typing Notes on my iPad.

I like to use text markups, like bold, italics, bullets, and strikeouts when keeping notes. This is easy to do on the Mac, but I don't see a way to create these with the OmniFocus editor. With other iPad apps, I've used 2 different ways - either with selecting the text and using the presented right arrow to choose the markup type, or by using dedicated keys attached to the iPad keyboard for this function (Evernote does this).

If this functionality is not available in OmniFocus iPad (and I admit I might have missed it), I'd like to propose simple markup functionality be added to OmniFocus iPad/iPhone. If I had a preference, I would definitely prefer dedicated keyboard keys, but whichever is quicker to implement :)


+1 would love to see some more text options when making notes in OF for Ipad and Iphone

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