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What do you all do with your completed tasks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
After checking the done box, what do you all do with your completed tasks?

Just leave them there looking completed?

Delete them?

Move them to a separate folder of completed tasks?

Any good suggestions?


Usually I have my filter set to available or remaining. Thus, when I hit clean up, they remove themselves from my view but they stay in the project. This is helpful to review what you have done in a project :)
For me – if I really adopt OF – keeping the finished tasks is quitew important a slong as I am not through with the project. All this stuff is part of the planning of a project, including research I might need later on I might want to export them to keep them somewhere else later.

By the way: is there still no way to get rid of those pesky strikethrough? I mean get rid and and not seeing them again every time I open OF anew?

Greetings, Rolf
Originally Posted by cyleigh View Post
Usually I have my filter set to available or remaining. Thus, when I hit clean up, they remove themselves from my view but they stay in the project. This is helpful to review what you have done in a project :)
Yes, that's what I do. Once I hit clean-up, the task is gone. Every once in a while I have to look back to see if the task ever existed, that's when I use the "all" filter in planning mode. Otherwise it's "available" in context mode.
Originally Posted by Rolf_schmolling View Post
For me – if I really adopt OF – keeping the finished tasks is quitew important a slong as I am not through with the project. All this stuff is part of the planning of a project, including research I might need later on I might want to export them to keep them somewhere else later.

By the way: is there still no way to get rid of those pesky strikethrough? I mean get rid and and not seeing them again every time I open OF anew?

Greetings, Rolf
I'm not sure what you mean by get rid-of? If you hit clean up when you have your filter set to Available or Remaining, they should disappear until you change the filter to all or completed. You have to hit clean up when you complete to reapply the available/remaining filter.

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