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Hello all,

I have been trying out Omni Focus for a week now and think that it will turn out to be just what I need to manage my work flow.

I am the academic director in a busy school, and as such there are some regular jobs that I need to do (hold meetings of department heads for example). These jobs have certain tasks that need to be completed before hand (eg publish minutes of last meeting, set agenda of next meeting etc.)

I set up the job as a project and then enter the various tasks. Is there a way of setting the project due date (the date of the meeting) and then say a task has to be done a week before that? I have tried entering relative dates, but that always seems to be taken as relative to the current date, not the project due date.

The reason I want to do this is I want to clone the project (or use it as a template), so that when the next meeting comes round, all I have to do is enter a new due date and all the other dates are fixed relative to that.
Any thoughts?

This has been requested by others as well and would certainly be very useful.

See this thread for discussion and a link to an applescript solution. If you search the forum for "template" you'll find other discussion as well.

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