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getting error window: detected a disconnected transaction graph cycle.... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey everyone, trying out the omnifocus alpha. I seem to no longer able to open my file as an error window keeps popping up: UNABLE TO READ DOCUMENT detected a disconnected transaction graph cycle involving identifiers... then dozens and dozens of 30+ digit codes like 6394A095-4CEF-4245-961C-CE044B63F229 ????

It might have started to happen when I moved the file to my iDisk attempting to have a file my other computer can access, but it seems like the backup files bring up this error as well and I fear I lost a productive afternoon's worth of actions and projects lost!

Hoping someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance!
I've sent back a repaired file; but if you or anyone else can reproduce this problem, we'd love to hear details on how to hit it so we can fix it.
CTO, The Omni Group
I have started to get a similar message out of the blue. The message is:

Unable to Synchronize database with server.
Unable to read document.

Detected a transaction graph cycle involving identifier "gHJw2TTO0sx".

I cannot sync from my mac or iphone anymore.
You'll definitely want to send your OmniFocus database to our support ninjas.

The file in question is named 'OmniFocus.ofocus' and is located in
<your home folder>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus

if you attach that file and make sure the words 'transaction graph cycle' appear in the subject, it'll help the ninjas find your email in our system.
I have attempted to sync with a webdav server, which worked initially but now yields this error on all my Omnifocus instances (iPad, iphone and Mac).

Unable to read document.

Detected a transaction graph cycle involving identifier "gg5_OrjEjBa".

I am sending the OmniFocus.ofocus file from my Mac.

Last edited by zeitgeist77; 2012-07-10 at 05:51 PM.. Reason: added error text

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