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INserting canvas into MS word Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a single 1x1 page (8.5 x 11) canvas that shows my career infographic . I've exported a variety of ways to enable insertion (insert>picture from file) into a word.doc. It inserts as 6x7.8". When I try and enlarge the image, it starts cutting the edges off.

So my question: How can I insert so it fills full 8.5 x 11 landscape?
I'm no Word expert (and don't have a copy with which to experiment), but it sounds to me like Word has a notion of how big of a "window" it will give that image, and if you make the image larger, it is just going to clip off the edges. I vaguely recall that if you click on the image, you should get some handles in the corners that you can drag to adjust the image size (hold down the shift key to preserve the aspect ratio). Maybe that will do the trick...
Or create your graphic as 6x7.8, set the canvas size to that. Use Export, not print as PDF.

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