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Changing highlight color? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the highlight color in OmniFocus, independently of my system highlight color. I've searched the forum, using Google and the built-in search, and also dumped the defaults listing into a text file to peruse, and haven't found anything, but I thought I'd just make sure I haven't missed it.

The reason I ask is that my highlight color, which I've used for years and am loathe to change, clashes badly with the outline view background color I've chosen for OmniFocus (which I'm happy with but will change if necessary). I'm not concerned about text highlighting, but OF makes the highlight color slightly transparent when a row is selected, and the combination is kind of gross in my case. (My background is a cool grey, and my highlight color is orange, if you're wondering.)

OmniFocus uses the system highlight color preference. It seems likely that we have a feature request open on letting you set it independently, but I can't specifically remember one.

In the short term, you'll likely have to adjust the style, but it wouldn't hurt to email the support ninjas and ask to be attached to that feature request.
That's what I figured. I'll just change the background color. Thanks, Brian.

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