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Exporting Gannt Chart to Image File Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to export a Gannt Chart. I see how to modify the export template, but I don't want to spend time learning how to modify it if it won't export the Gannt Chart.


There are several export options for a table view and Gantt Chart view. Image files, XML, PDF, etc. What type of format did you want?

I am trying to export directly to an HTML file so I can post it to my web site.


I am working a large project that I would like to publish to the web.

After some research, it appears that the best way to do this is to export the Gannt view to an image file.

When I try to export it an error message says that the file is too big.

So, after some further research there appears that a feature was added to allow this.

I'm just not sure how to do it.

Can someone lead me in the right direction. I am also assuming that I am exporting the image.


One thing you can try is adjusting the scale of your gantt chart before exporting. If your OmniPlan gantt chart is currently set to show the day scale, try the week or month scale by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the gantt chart.

As an alternative to exporting only the gantt chart image for the web, you can try our Full HTML Report export option. This will create a complete website that you can host on your server complete with a task list, resource list, project overview page, as well as iCalendar files for all of your resources.

To do this, just select the "Full HTML Report" export option from the format drop-down menu on the export panel. There's also an option there to automatically scale the gantt chart to fit a normal web browser's width.
The gantt chart is exported automatically when you select the "Full HTML Report" option on the export panel.
Wow, thank you! That is exactly what I was looking for.
When I export full HTML, the GANNT chart only appears in one view, monthly. Is this correct? In my OmniPlan file prior to export, the GANNT is in weekly view, which is what I want to reflect in the HTML export.

Also, the HTML GANNT export for some reason reflects some tasks as being of a shorter duration, e.g., 2 days, when in the GANNT original they show as 1 week 2 days. These are tasks that are grouped so I'm not sure if that's a factor.

Any help is appreciated.

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