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Would like to use the mail rule... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to take advantage of the Mail rule preference in OF but have a couple of questions about it having already had a try.

My use case is that I receive Helpdesk request emails at work with the subject line format "request Id ##12345 has been assigned to you" and I would like these to drop into my OF inbox without me having to lift a finger!

However, in trying I noticed a couple of issues. As the subject includes a hash (#) it strips it from the action and adds it in as a date (year).

Also, after adding the mail to OF, it seems to delete in from my Mail inbox rather than leaving a copy in there. Is there any way to alter these behaviours?
For the former problem, I don't know, but for the latter you must have the "Archive processed messages in:" option activated:

Just turn it off or change the folder to which you are directing the processed messages.
OF's own import script uses that punctuation to figure out dates, contexts, etc. There are other import scripts in the Extras section of the forums which you could probably use to import the whole message without any processing.
I wanted to return to work to try out the above advice before replying and now have a fully functioning rule that automajically adds tasks straight to my inbox (I used Curt's old Mail rules). Perfect! Thanks for your replies.

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