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Attaching links to files in a task note Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I seem to be having difficulty with something I'm assuming should be much easier. I have a .mov file and a .xls file I want to reference (link to) in the notes field of a task. When I drag either of these files or an alias to the notes field, it copies the preview of the entire file rather than adding a link to the file.

How do I just add a link to the file, so that when I click on it it will open the intended file?
Hold down the control key while dragging.

Hi Curt...I was excited to get such an easy answer. However, when I control click on a file, it opens the same contextual menu as when I right-click on it. I'm unable to drag it at all.

Click and begin the drag like normal. Then hold down the control key. A little loopy arrow will be added to the cursor signifying that you're creating a link.

This is a common Mac OS drag technique. Different modifiers change the "drop" in different ways. For example, option typically means "create a copy". You can use this in most text editing applications. Select some text. Click and hold on it for a half second to begin a drag. Drag a bit, then hold down the option key before releasing. A copy of the dragged text will be created when you release the mouse button.

Curt is correct on the keystroke behaviors for dragging files, but I'm curious exactly what you are seeing when you drag a file into the note field? The default behavior in OmniFocus when dragging a file into the note field is to create a link to the file on disk. It's possible to also embed a file into the OF document, but linked files and embedded files look exactly the same in the note field of OmniFocus desktop. A double-click will open the document in its native application and a right-click or the space bar will give a Quick Look of the file. Can you describe, or attach a screen dump, of what you are seeing in the note field when a document is attached?
@Curt...I don't have any change in my cursor (or the addition of "a little loopy arrow") on performing this. Are there system settings I could have changed? If so, I couldn't find them in my System Preferences.

@Greg...I'm embarrassed to say I tried to attach some screenshots...but don't know how to determine the URL of the file on my desktop. I have to admit that I haven't had to know this sort of thing since quitting Windows years ago.
Originally Posted by bpwhistler View Post
@Greg...I'm embarrassed to say I tried to attach some screenshots...but don't know how to determine the URL of the file on my desktop. I have to admit that I haven't had to know this sort of thing since quitting Windows years ago.
When posting to the forum, click on the Manage Attachments button in the Additional Options section (which may be collapsed, but should always be present). You'll get a new window that will let you choose the file you want to attach to a posting, then upload it. You can attach up to 4 or 5 per post.

A different way to do it, if you want more control over size, placement in the message, etc. is to use a hosting service such as which will host the image for you and supply a URL that you can then insert in your post at the desired spot.
@whpalmer4...thanks. I have my preferences set to open new windows in a new tab in my browser...and I wasn't seeing the new tab. After reading your post, I checked and found 6 or 7 "Manage Attachments" tabs open. is the OF message I receive when I drop the file into the notes field of a task (either regular click-drag-drop or click-drag-control-drop...which doesn't appear to show the little arrow Curt mentioned)
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture jpeg.jpg
Views:	1989
Size:	17.1 KB
ID:	1054

And this is what it looks like after I attach it. It's a movie file, and this is the first frame of the clip.
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 2 jpeg.jpg
Views:	1971
Size:	190.1 KB
ID:	1055

The 2nd picture takes up just about the full screen of my laptop after dropping the file in the notes field.

Last edited by bpwhistler; 2009-08-30 at 01:31 PM..
As Greg jones pointed out, a link should be created by default in OF, not an embedded file.

Instead of drag-control, try command-option-drag. The curved arrow should appear over your file image indicating an alias.
That is really strange. I have never seen anything like that when attaching/linking files in OmniFocus. The only other thing I can suggest that you try is to link the file directly from within OmniFocus. Try the 'Edit>Attach File...' command, select your file and make sure that the button is selected to make a link to the file.

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