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Default Font for Pasted Evernote Links Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Here's something funny. When I copy a note location from Evernote (Format → Copy Note Link) and paste into the notes field of an OmniFocus item, it defaults to a particularly small (and unpleasant) font. I've been manually changing it. But I hate doing so.

Any ideas on how I can get that pasted link to default to something better? I assume that the style of the text is actually from Evernote rather than OmniFocus.

Originally Posted by newbed View Post
Here's something funny. When I copy a note location from Evernote (Format → Copy Note Link) and paste into the notes field of an OmniFocus item, it defaults to a particularly small (and unpleasant) font. I've been manually changing it. But I hate doing so.

Any ideas on how I can get that pasted link to default to something better? I assume that the style of the text is actually from Evernote rather than OmniFocus.

You can do "paste and match style" instead of paste. Shortcut is shift-command-option-V.

There's no way to have OF paste as plain text by default. It would be nice if there were. I've requested this before, though who knows if it will ever get implemented.

Alternately, if you use something like LaunchBar or Alfred, you can set them to paste as plain text and paste through them.
Unfortunately paste and match style will strip off the user-friendly name of the link, and the result will be something attractive like evernote:///view/24291105/s209/e2e90f23-23cd-42c6-aa81-35be973505e2/e2f90f23-23cd-42c6-ab81-35be973505e2/ which I'm betting the OP thinks is worse than having to change the font by hand. He doesn't want plain text, he wants the link, just shown in a different font.

Poking around, it looks like the clipboard contents don't actually specify a font, so I suppose there is a small glimmer of hope that OmniFocus might be modified to allow one to specify a default font for pasted links. It doesn't seem to heed the Notes styling preferences either, which is a bit unexpected. Send in a request with Help->Send Feedback, but be sure to breathe regularly while waiting :-)

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