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Linking to Devonthink documents Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I've tried to do this, but unsuccessfully. I find that some of the notes that I have made in Devonthink could usefully be thought of as indicating projects. It'd be nice to include a link in the attachment space of the project title in OF that would magically open up the corresponding document in Devonthink. I suppose something like a URL. I believe this should be easily done, but I haven't figured it out yet.
What I can easily do is select some of the text in Devonthink and use the clipping service, but that would tend to clog up OF, and it wouldn't give me an easy link back to the Devonthink original.
Apologies for not managing to figure this one out for myself.

I've never used Devonthink, and accordingly know diddly-squat about it. If the materials stored in Devonthink are stored in separate files which you can locate/identify, and double-clicking on one of those files in the Finder will open it up properly, then you can link the materials into OmniFocus. Just select the file containing the information in question in the Finder, then drag and drop it on the corresponding action or project in OmniFocus and you'll get an alias to the file in the notes field, which can be double-clicked to open the file.

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