I just downloaded a rather awesome piece of software called Flying Logic which looks like a cross between OmniPlan and OmniGaffle.
Here is a video demo: http://flyinglogic.com/video/index.html (watch the second one.) It does a fantastic job of integrating my visual and nonlinear thinking style (very omni graffle-esce) to produce a fantastically valuable graphical overview of the logical connections in a plan.
It exports to Microsoft Project (which is then importable to OmniPlan) but, it does not import. Making it basically un-syncable with the rest of my (OMNI) organization systems.
If Omni were to update their programs so that omnigraffle handle input like this, then integrate Omnigraffle with omnifocus and omniplan! I could do anything!
Here is a video demo: http://flyinglogic.com/video/index.html (watch the second one.) It does a fantastic job of integrating my visual and nonlinear thinking style (very omni graffle-esce) to produce a fantastically valuable graphical overview of the logical connections in a plan.
It exports to Microsoft Project (which is then importable to OmniPlan) but, it does not import. Making it basically un-syncable with the rest of my (OMNI) organization systems.
If Omni were to update their programs so that omnigraffle handle input like this, then integrate Omnigraffle with omnifocus and omniplan! I could do anything!