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Drag & drop actions to projects? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I keep wanting to view my inbox pr single actions on the right, and then drag some of them to projects in the left pane.

Is this not possible. Wouldn't it be useful? Especially in processing many inbox items - I could drill into various project folder on the left and then drag the actions where they go.

Let me know if I'm missing something.
You're right, this is a painfully absent feature. Processing the inbox is (for me, at least) next to impossible on the iPad. Every action takes ages to move into a sensible place in your project structure, which would be less painful if you could move multiple items together.
Originally Posted by howiem View Post
You're right, this is a painfully absent feature. Processing the inbox is (for me, at least) next to impossible on the iPad. Every action takes ages to move into a sensible place in your project structure, which would be less painful if you could move multiple items together.
Thanks. Totally agree. I've sent a feature request to the support email. Please do the same. :)
Once you accumulate enough projects in the sidebar, some people find it considerably more efficient to refile the actions by setting the project/context in the inspector/editor than by endless scrolling and drilling through the project list. Be that as it may, if this is an important feature for you, let Omni know via the Contact Omni option under the gear menu, and the likelihood of seeing it implemented will increase.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Once you accumulate enough projects in the sidebar, some people find it considerably more efficient to refile the actions by setting the project/context in the inspector/editor than by endless scrolling and drilling through the project list. Be that as it may, if this is an important feature for you, let Omni know via the Contact Omni option under the gear menu, and the likelihood of seeing it implemented will increase.
On the iPad? One at a time for 15 actions?

If I could select multiple actions (the 6 that belong in Project A) and do that via the inspector one time, then I would agree that would be an efficient option. But we can't do that now, right?
Originally Posted by howiem View Post
You're right, this is a painfully absent feature. Processing the inbox is (for me, at least) next to impossible on the iPad. Every action takes ages to move into a sensible place in your project structure, which would be less painful if you could move multiple items together.
On the iPad there is no mail clipping app to convert mail to inbox items. OK, I can live with that.

But no way to crank through processing of the inbox? If you are "re-imagining" OmniFocus for the iPad, isn't inbox processing near the top of the list? Bizarre.
I don't know, I guess I was just imagining processing those hundreds of actions through my inbox during the beta....
Originally Posted by Fireproof View Post
On the iPad? One at a time for 15 actions?

If I could select multiple actions (the 6 that belong in Project A) and do that via the inspector one time, then I would agree that would be an efficient option. But we can't do that now, right?
This is true, regardless of how many hundreds of items you've processed in a less efficient fashion, @whpalmer.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Once you accumulate enough projects in the sidebar, some people find it considerably more efficient to refile the actions by setting the project/context in the inspector/editor than by endless scrolling and drilling through the project list. (snip)
This shocks me. Do people really end up with 10's of projects in their sidebar, not organised into any sort of folder structure?

And anyway, you're still stuck scrolling through a long list of projects, it just happens to be in a small pop-up selector in the inspector, instead of using that lovely spacious left-hand panel:

Originally Posted by steven View Post
This is true, regardless of how many hundreds of items you've processed in a less efficient fashion, @whpalmer.
Oh, I'm not debating that the ability to select multiple items before popping up the editor would be a big win. I do it all the time on the desktop, when I have blocks of things moving to the same place, or needing the same date set, or whatever. However, unless I let stuff stack up in the inbox, I rarely get to take much advantage of it in inbox processing.

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