Good morning,
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
OW's ad blocking is not very good. I'm not sure what the point of blocking ads is if you leave a large gap the size of the ad itself in its place. You might as well look at the ad!
This has been a topic of discussion in the forums for quite some time. OmniGroup figures it’s better to just blank out ads without changing the site structure as intended by the web dev. Also, with ads just disappearing, you never know whether there was some image that, per chance, had an usual ad format and isn’t visible because you enabled “block known ad sizes”. Happened a lot to me in forums; without OW showing the images’ real estate, I would have wondered why so many people didn’t have avatars and sigs any more …
I like OW’s behaviour better than Firefox / AdBlock Plus’. But that’s probably down to taste, too. A user-configurable option might be the best solution.