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Avoiding duplication of actions common to multiple projects Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have what could be considered two repeating projects, one is blowing out a gutter on a semi-frequent as-needed basis, the other is blowing off the entire roof, all gutters, and washing the skylights -- done once per year. Both projects need to have tools gathered and hauled up to the roof, and a common set of gutter cleaning actions. Rather than keeping as two projects, I've made them one:

PROJECT: Roof and gutters have debris removed, and skylights are washed

--METHOD 1--
[Action] Gather tools. (In the Notes section, I've listed tools needed to clean the gutters (these are use for both action groups), and then a heading "Tools needed for cleaning the entire roof." followed by those tools.)

[Group 1] For north gutter only
[Action] Loosen gunk with soft brush, and blow debris out of gutters.

[Group 2] For entire roof
[Action] Tie safety harness rope to fall arrest anchor.
[Action] Blow debris off roof.
[Action] Loosen gunk with soft brush, and blow debris out of gutters.

--METHOD 2--
Same as 1, only place "[Action] Loosen gunk with soft brush, and blow debris out of gutters." as an action in the first set of actions that are prior to the subgroups. In terms of sequencing, it is technically not accurate, but allows me to edit the action in only one place.

The fact that fussing over these details for this particular project is more time consuming than just getting the work done has not escaped me; however this serves as an example to ask how other people deal with tasks common to multiple projects -- just have them duplicated in multiple projects, which creates more accurate projects (i.e., cleaning the one gutter is done more frequently than the entire roof (once a year); and the 'entire roof' subgroup would not be checked off when just doing the one gutter) -- or try to be a bit clever by keeping them in one place.


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