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Action groups on due list Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have some questions about this app. In my projects I have a lot of sub-actions, and their titles without using title of action group is not understandable. So, is it a way to show in the perspective list of actions with full hierarchy, grouped by projects and sorted by date, which i must to do today? I saw something like this in project view with Availability filter "next action".

Another little question is - can I see list of due actions for a ling perspective - for a week grouped by days?

And - can I make filter only for today? If now is 22-00, but I have actions on tomorrow at 08-00, I whant to see on my iDock number "0" to be happy of completing all actions for today and go to sleep)

And - It is planning to translate app to russian?
Thanx, Vladimir
Welcome to the forums, Vladimir!

You're correct - a project-mode perspective with the "next action" filter active will show any parent rows that are necessary for the child row to be visible.

Originally Posted by Ksenos View Post
Another little question is - can I see list of due actions for a ling perspective - for a week grouped by days?
If you open OmniFocus Preferences and set the "Due Soon is in the next" preference to "week", this perspective may help. (Note that OmniFocus doesn't break each day in that week out into an individual block, though.)

View -> Context Mode
View -> Show All Projects
View -> Sidebar Filter -> Remaining
View -> Grouping -> Due
View -> Sorting -> Project
View -> Status Filter -> Due or Flagged
View -> Estimated Time Filter -> Any Status

That'll show you any actions that are due soon *or* which you've flagged, sorted by deadlines. You can use the disclosure triangle at the left of each group to collapse the items you don't want to see, and then save the view for future use by doing the following:

Perspectives -> Save Window As -> New Perspective
from the menu bar.

Name the perspective, and make sure the "Restore: Expansion" box is checked. (If it isn't, check the box, then re-save the perspective from the menu.)

Originally Posted by Ksenos View Post
And - can I make filter only for today? If now is 22-00, but I have actions on tomorrow at 08-00, I whant to see on my iDock number "0" to be happy of completing all actions for today and go to sleep)
OmniFocus currently treats the "1 day" due soon setting as "within the next 24 hours". We do have a feature request open on the ability to use only the current calendar day - I'll attach your request so the rest of the team knows you'd like to see this added.

(Also note that the perspective I mentioned above will either show you the items that are "due in the next week" or "due tomorrow", but you can't currently have both at the same time.)

Originally Posted by Ksenos View Post
And - It is planning to translate app to russian?
I know we've gotten some requests for a Russian translation; I'm not sure what our plans are, but I'll make sure this gets filed as a feature request so the appropriate folks here know you'd like to see us offer one. Thanks!
Thank you for reply!
You're correct - a project-mode perspective with the "next action" filter active will show any parent rows that are necessary for the child row to be visible.
Is there any way to show in such manner actions not "next", but "due soon"?

OmniFocus doesn't break each day in that week out into an individual block
Can it be a feature request to add an option "break/not break"? Or is it unnecessary in your opinion?
Originally Posted by Ksenos View Post
Is there any way to show in such manner actions not "next", but "due soon"?
Yep! Just change the Status filter to "Due Soon".

Originally Posted by Ksenos View Post
Can it be a feature request to add an option "break/not break"? Or is it unnecessary in your opinion?
Happy to write up a feature request for you - it may help to know that we plan to bring a view similar to the iOS apps' Forecast view to the Mac app. We don't yet know when it'll be ready, but it is coming.
Yep! Just change the Status filter to "Due Soon".
But in project mode status filters are only "flagged/unflagged".. And Availability filter is "Remaining/Next action/Complete"
Whoops, sorry - I meant the "Availability" filter.

In my copy of OmniFocus 1.9.3, in either Planning or Context mode I can hover over View -> Availability Filter
and see 5 options: Any Status, Remaining, Next Action, Available, and Completed. Are you seeing something different?

Yes I see another things.. Maybe it's some error after my experiments with app's settings.. I'll try to re-install the app.
Thank you!
Wow. I listed off the options and failed to even notice that the thing I was telling you to click on wasn't among them.


Sorry, you'll want to change the Availability filter to "Remaining". (This helps you catch as many of your due soon items as possible.) Then, you do want to change the *Status* filter setting to "Due Soon"!

Sorry again for the extra confusion there. Brain not working... must reboot... <goes and gets more coffee>
Then, you do want to change the *Status* filter setting to "Due Soon"!

And again - no "Due Soon" value in this filter!
This all is in the Project Mode, beacuse I whant to see full actions hierarchy

Maybe this is the error of my version?
Ah, I see some of the confusion. The original perspective in post number 2 was built around context mode, but yeah, you're trying to do this in Project mode. You'll need to be in context mode, but you can make it *look* very similar to project mode.

I'd suggest this:

View -> Context mode
View -> Show All Projects
View -> Grouping -> Project
View -> Sorting -> Due [or whichever option works best for your needs.]
View -> Availability Filter -> Remaining
View -> Status Filter -> Due Soon

It's a context mode perspective, but the actions are *grouped* by project, with actions in those projects that are not due soon hidden from view.

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