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Images won't load Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi everybody!

I must say that you have succeded very well in making a full-featured browser. However, one thing is annoying me.

Images from a certain domain won't load. The domain is not in my blacklist, or blocked in any other way, and I can stil download the images by right-clicking on them.

The domain is ; a regular image hosting site.

I'm completely lost, so any help would be very appriciated.

Edit: Just so you know, I first tried out OmniWeb today, so I haven't really got the time to go through the whole program to find a solution. I have, however, looked at all the preference panes and so on.

Last edited by weeeeeew; 2007-06-06 at 12:33 PM..
I just checked it. The code shows there's the logo and three flag images on that page. They all load for me.
Since weeeeew describes it as an "image hosting site" I assumed the problem was with various images (say, photos) uploaded by users on the site, not the flag images on the main page. But since I am essentially mono-lingual, I couldn't figure out how to see any other pages on the site.
I just tried it, using the German version... I was able to get this image up there, and use their code to display it...

I suspect your ad blocking strings are likely to be at fault as the name of the domain has "ad" in it:

Try temporarily disabling ad blocking for the domain and see if that allows the page to load properly.

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