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Date stamp? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a way to automatically date stamp when an item is created? I often use a QuicKeys macro to enter the current date in parens at the end of an item, but it'd be nice to have a column that could be viewed or hidden to do that.

I suppose I can use the Start Date for column for that, but it'd be nice if it were automatically created. Any way to do that?
When you select an action, take a look in the inspector window. It should show the date the action was "Added" (created) and when it was "Changed" (if it has been changed).
While you can't see the Added date in a column, you can sort by it and group by it. For me, that covers about 95% of the cases -- usually I either need to know where it was added relative to a bunch of other things (group or sort to the rescue) or occasionally I want to know exactly when, but then usually only for one or two items, so the inspector is fine. Column views only show you the date, not the time.
Right - thanks for that. What is most helpful to me is to have the created date displayed with the item, because I'm often referring to it. So I'll just stick with the macro that inserts the date at the end of the item.
Out of curiosity, how do you make use of the creation date/time in your workflow that you need to see it that often? Most of the schemes that come to mind only need to use the relative age.
Most typically, it's to keep track of when I've assigned a task to someone, or when I called or emailed or left a message for someone, or when I've sent away for something.

Part of my review process is to look at these dates and make judgement calls as to when I need to follow up. For some things it's 2 days, for others, it's 2 weeks, or whatever, so grouping isn't as useful to me as simply having the original date next to the item.
Originally Posted by rogbar View Post
Most typically, it's to keep track of when I've assigned a task to someone, or when I called or emailed or left a message for someone, or when I've sent away for something.

Part of my review process is to look at these dates and make judgement calls as to when I need to follow up. For some things it's 2 days, for others, it's 2 weeks, or whatever, so grouping isn't as useful to me as simply having the original date next to the item.
Okay, we're definitely working in different styles. I would typically have an action to order the item, and a separate action for receiving it (usually with a waiting context of some sort), with a due date, tracking number or URL as a note, etc. I'll figure out the time at which I ought to follow up in advance so I don't waste time reconsidering whether it is time yet each time I do a review. This doesn't work perfectly in situations where I might want to track progress to see if the deadline will be hit.
Originally Posted by rogbar View Post
Most typically, it's to keep track of when I've assigned a task to someone, or when I called or emailed or left a message for someone, or when I've sent away for something.

Part of my review process is to look at these dates and make judgement calls as to when I need to follow up. For some things it's 2 days, for others, it's 2 weeks, or whatever, so grouping isn't as useful to me as simply having the original date next to the item.
This is more project management than task management.

Okay, that aside, how about using something like TextExpander to put the details in the notes? i.e.

July 17, 2009 10:39 AM assigned to Fred (I used 2 TextExpander shortcuts to put in the time and date, but you could have a single code like xxx which would expand it all, so it would take 1/2 second to type).

Then, change the context to @waiting and reset the start date to 2 days or 2 weeks out so it disappears from your view until it's time to revisit.
Originally Posted by CatOne View Post
Okay, that aside, how about using something like TextExpander to put the details in the notes? i.e.

July 17, 2009 10:39 AM assigned to Fred (I used 2 TextExpander shortcuts to put in the time and date, but you could have a single code like xxx which would expand it all, so it would take 1/2 second to type).
That's a great suggestion, Cat. That's pretty close to what I do. I've gotten into the habit of putting a time stamp on virtually every comment I add to my note fields. But instead of using TextExpander, I've just been using OmniFocus' built-in command: Edit -> Insert Time Stamp -> Short Date and Time, or just Command-| (pipe). It's very handy when going back weeks later and trying to figure out what happened and when.

Thanks. In the OP I noted that I currently use QuicKeys to put the date in parens at the end of the item.

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