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feature request: selective iCal sync Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It would be great if I could just pick a few contexts to sync to iCal.

If I have access to my iCal, chances are, I'm at my laptop. If I'm at my laptop, I don't need the actions listed in iCal because I have access to OmniFocus.

When I'm not at my computer, I have my Treo, and I do need actions listed in my Treo. I need @Phone, @Phone–BusinessHours, @Errands, @Errands–Location1, @Errands–Location2, @Errands–Location3, @Home-FixIt, @Home–Backyard, etc.

When I'm on my Treo only, and not my laptop, I don't need access to @Laptop, @Laptop–ParrallelsXPOpen, @Laptop–Quicken, @Laptop–wScanneror @Laptop-wPaperFiles.

Treo syncing is cumbersome, and there are a limited number of Treo "categories" I don't want these other contexts to map to the Treo because they use up those precious categories, so I don't sync them.

But if I'm not syncing them into the Treo via iCal, I don't want them in iCal at all. 1) It slows down the OmniFocus–iCal sync, 2) It slows down sync services, 3) It slows down my iCal, 4) It clogs up my iCal screen real estate and hiding them takes work, 5) It clogs up my Treo Missing Sync Utility and choosing what to sync takes work, 6) it's more crap in my user folder that needs to be backed up.
looks like the forum was a little wonky this morning. sorry for the duplicates
I would second this request.

It would be good to add a boolean property like 'IncludeInSync' to contexts. Some contexts I do want to sync with iCal and and others I don't.

If my number of contexts is relatively large, iCal can get quite cluttered.
Yes! I've mentioned my support for this before.

AND... when a start date is in the future, please give us a preference to NOT sync such an item. iGTD has both of these features and I rely on them every day.
I would also like all of my contexts in a grouped calendar instead of having them all be top level calendars.
You can create a top level cat. in iCal then drag OF's contexts into it.

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