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OG 4 - 5 compatibility? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am trying to edit a set of wireframes that I had created in Omnigraffle 4. When I open them in my new (much-loved!) OG5, they are all jacked up. Things in the master canvas are all shifted around. Some page elements fall so far outside the margins that a canvas that used to be one page is now 4.

Any thoughts on what I can do to address this issue without changing settings that will similarly destroy my newer OG5 files?

Any advice would be most appreciated
I have been using OG4 for many years, and I am very pleased with it.

I have OG5 on another machine, but use it rarely (not worth explaining here). Certainly I have opened many OG4 drawing in OG5 ... but I have never had the experience of lines being "jacked up", all my lines are exactly where I placed them in OG4: connected lines; unconnected lines; various line endings.

If you can be more specific about exactly what happened to the line(s), maybe someone can help.

Also, that all the lines are jacked up, sounds very odd.

When OG drawings are exported to Visio format, sure the lines are all screwed up, because Visio has no decent line (or magnet) handling. Perhaps your drawings are exported vdx and then imported back into OG ?

Hmm. Not so much "lines" as "canvas elements." And I can see how "jacked up" isn't the most descriptive term. :)

The original canvas has some pieces (canvas name, page #, our logo) in a standard place on the bottom right. I used the Master Canvas to create those & propagate across all canvases.

When I open it up in OG5, those items are (1) shifted sufficiently far to the right that they extend onto a new page and (2) no longer aligned with one another. On a canvas that was one page wide by, say, 5 pages long, this suddenly turns it into a 10 page canvas.

I've tried manually correcting this issue, but it doesn't apply across all canvases (some of my files have as many as 150 of them), and the correction doesn't stick. (That is, I'll correct it, save, move on, then return to that canvas to find the misalignment has returned.)

It is interesting that it seems to be just these 3 elements.

For the moment, I happen to have OG4 still installed on another machine in the office, but I expect these change requests to keep coming for several months, and who knows what'll happen with that machine in the meantime.

I really appreciate your help!
You can have both OG 4 and 5 installed on the same machine...
Sorry for the trouble here! Off the top of my head, I'm wondering if OmniGraffle 5 is basing the converted document off of one of the templates that has auto-layout turned on?

Best thing to do here is probably to email the support ninjas (possibly with some screenshots illustrating the problem) so we can lend a hand.
Yeah, it is definitely a bug or an inadvertent action (eg. auto layout turned on). One way or another, that is not supposed to happen.

I use Masters and multiple Masters heavily.

There has been a lot of complaints re OG4 Master Canvas being replaced with OG5 Shared Layers; and the unwanted side effects, so you might want to search for those threads and have a read. From where I sit (95% OG4, 5% OG5), Shared Layers does not seem to be a problem, or limitation; you just have to get your head off Masters and onto Shared Layers. But others do not see it as that straight forward, and have complained about lost functionality.
Indeed, I find myself really liking shared layers over masters.

I will email the support ninjas. Installing 4 and 5 might be an option, but I learned a few weeks ago that our copy of 4 was pirated (!). It was also really unstable, so I'd love it if I could just use 5.

Thanks, all!
If you have a licensed copy of 5, the support ninjas can get you a legitimate license code for 4 if you ask them. Help->Send Feedback...
Pirated ? Unstable copy ? Then it might be no surprise that it does not save files correctly (such that when you open them, the master elements are regularly misplaced and misaligned; or corrupted in subtle ways).

If we were to take a conservative approach, you have a licence problem, not a reportable bug, or something worth spending time chasing down. if your licensed copy of OG4 does strange things, that is worth chasing down.

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