I am writing a quick and dirty to copy my database between my Macbook Pro and my Mac Pro Quad-core to keep things on track until you offer a .Mac sync feature. Obviously I cannot parse the database to actually synchronize and will just have to copy the most recently used copy to the other system.
I am curious: why don't you have the database path set in the plist so I can use the defaults command-line tool to get it from com.omnigroup.omnifocus? Uses can move the database and I would hope that it would be recorded somewhere accessible. Is it stored somewhere else I can read programmatically? I really hate to encode a constant path or make the user find it because the user could leave the old one there so I'd have to ask which one they want to use and they could put it anywhere. iPhoto puts the current library path in there so one can read and write it. You must have a reason why you don't do that.
I am curious: why don't you have the database path set in the plist so I can use the defaults command-line tool to get it from com.omnigroup.omnifocus? Uses can move the database and I would hope that it would be recorded somewhere accessible. Is it stored somewhere else I can read programmatically? I really hate to encode a constant path or make the user find it because the user could leave the old one there so I'd have to ask which one they want to use and they could put it anywhere. iPhoto puts the current library path in there so one can read and write it. You must have a reason why you don't do that.