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Support for LiveDictionary Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Although I can get LiveDictionary to load properly by adding its bundle identifier to the LD loader bundle, the popup dictionary does not work (no change from OW 5.1). In the future, will it be possible to use LD? It works fine on most cocoa applications. Would be a deal breaker for me if not. Love 5.5. Keep up the great work.
I'm not that familiar with this, but does is it the same thing that is being discussed in this thread?
Originally Posted by Forrest
I'm not that familiar with this, but does is it the same thing that is being discussed in this thread?
The function is similar, though LiveDictionary is a third-party application that can access many different foreign-language dictionaries (which is precisely what I need).

Here's what the developer noted in another thread about the issues involved
OmniWeb support isn't likely to happen, at least not soon:

The hardest part about supporting other applications is the code to scrape the text out of them. For things like Mail, iChat, Fire, etc., it's straightforward because they all use the standard Cocoa classes to display text.

Safari was a lot trickier, because WebView is a whole other beast. It took a couple of weeks to get text scraping from WebView to work, and a couple of months to make it work reliably. Other browsers use different ways to display the stuff on the screen, which is why LiveDictionary doesn't work in any browsers other than Safari.

OmniWeb uses a customized version of WebKit, which I assume is why it outright crashes, rather than simply failing to work. It should be possible to get a copy of their customized version and make LiveDictionary's scraper work with it, but it would be a lot of work and it's not a high priority.
This does refer to OW 5.1. Nevertheless, it could be difficult for LD to work with OW given what is mentioned above and elsewhere on the LD boards. Maybe Apple could create other dictionaries to work with their Services Dictionary (apple + control + d), which does work with OW.

Last edited by; 2006-05-03 at 03:22 PM..
Another reply from the developer of LiveDictionary:

The problem is not the lack of WebKit, but rather that Omni makes a special build of it for their browser, with various customizations. Since LiveDictionary relies on certain extremely minor details in WebKit such as the exact location of certain function pointers, it doesn't work with Omni's builds. (This is incidentally why LiveDictionary sometimes ceases to function when Apple releases an OS update.)

In case Omni has dropped their customizations, or the customizations have become minimal enough that LD can work with them, you might try the "Make LiveDictionary Load in Mail and Other Apps" thread to try it out
I did get the Dictionary to load properly. But it won't popup when requested. Any ideas if future versions may be compatible. This is, once again, crucial for me to have.

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