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Attaching images from folders Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I love this app. It's great that you can add pictures to actions, but I take pictures and then alter them using different drawing apps. These are then stored in the camera photos by way of screen shots. I want to be able to attach those images to actions with assigned due dates in omnifocus. Right now, I can only add a photo by actually taking a photo in real time.

Is this a function I can look forward to in a future update?
I don't believe that's a feature request we have on file - please use the Send Feedback button in OmniFocus for iPhone to shoot us an email so we can properly record the idea. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I don't believe that's a feature request we have on file - please use the Send Feedback button in OmniFocus for iPhone to shoot us an email so we can properly record the idea. Thanks!
The ability to attach existing photos from the photos already taken is a critical feature to be added to the iphone app imho. I'm a new user and am already hitting this wall, wondering why it's not possible. I literally bought the software yesterday and am trying to add a photo I took this past weekend to an action, to no avail.
Just get yourself an iPod touch and you can have the "attach photo from photo library" functionality you desire. You just lose the ability to take pictures and, uh, oh yeah, make phone calls :)

It is puzzling that they went to the trouble of adding the ability for the iPod touch to select photos from the library and yet didn't add it for the iPhone. Maybe as Dennis suggests, the API designer threw in the ability to get a photo from the library as a consolation to the iPod users and never contemplated the possibility one might want to use a photo (or screen capture) from the library instead of taking a picture.
You know, I never considered the possibility that this worked on the iPod touch. Charging up one of our test units now. (The only one I could find was out of juice.)

Oh, for the love of... um, yeah. That button not being on the iPhone is a bug. Filed. Sorry folks!
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
You know, I never considered the possibility that this worked on the iPod touch. Charging up one of our test units now. (The only one I could find was out of juice.)

Oh, for the love of... um, yeah. That button not being on the iPhone is a bug. Filed. Sorry folks!
Why is possible to attach pictures from my photo library to an action on an iPod Touch but not on an iPhone? I have to take dozens of pictures quickly and can only attach them to actions from my laptop not my iPhone. Brian from OmniGroup admitted this is a bug last September (see above) but it still hasn't been fixed. Is this feature scheduled to be added? It's really important to me. Thanks.
Am I the only user who is desperate to be able to attach pictures from the camera roll? You can do this on an iPod Touch but not on the iPhone. It's been eighteen months since this bug was first notified. Any chance of a fix? Please!

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
You know, I never considered the possibility that this worked on the iPod touch. Charging up one of our test units now. (The only one I could find was out of juice.)

Oh, for the love of... um, yeah. That button not being on the iPhone is a bug. Filed. Sorry folks!
I'm really sorry about this - it's something we really want to fix, but there are other changes that customers are telling us they need more urgently. Folks that do need this changed can email the support ninjas; changes that have more customer demand behind them tend to bubble up the priority list.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I'm really sorry about this - it's something we really want to fix, but there are other changes that customers are telling us they need more urgently. Folks that do need this changed can email the support ninjas; changes that have more customer demand behind them tend to bubble up the priority list.
Hi Brian.
Thanks for the prompt response. However, respectfully, this is unacceptable. Omnifocus is sold on the iTunes store with the stated ability to "attach" and "pick" a photograph. I would suggest that if anyone was minded to report this to the UK's Office of Fair Trading, Apple's iTunes Store would be required under EU (European Union) law to refund all purchasers who felt that the OmniFocus App was unfit for the purpose for which it was sold. I imagine similar legislation applies in the US.
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Brian, I want to add that I know that feature requests 'bubble up' based on user requests, but I suppose that I am surprised that bug reports follow the same process. I expect that once a developer has confirmed a bug, then no further action is required of the users-seems like the most efficient use of the users' and the ninjas' time. Does it not seem logical that many users may not report bugs because they have read in the forums that the bugs have been acknowledged by the development team?

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