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Attaching pictures to actions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi, I would like the pictures that I attach to notes to automatically show in the notes and not just an icon. I managed to do it with one picture but when I attach more pictures they appear only as icons.
How can I attach more pictures that can be seen (not only as icons)?
Are the ones that appear as icons larger (in pixel dimensions or file size) than the picture that displays inline?

I'm not certain of this, but my theory is that OmniFocus only displays pictures inline if they're smaller than a certain size. But where exactly that cut-off point is, I don't know.

Thank you, I've just tried this. The pictures that it displays are about 30-40 kb so I decreased the size of some other pictures but they were still attached as icons.
By the way, all pictures are jpg's but the ones that OmniFocus is willing to display are from the same source. I don't know if it's important or in what way they might be different from the others.

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Are the ones that appear as icons larger (in pixel dimensions or file size) than the picture that displays inline?

I'm not certain of this, but my theory is that OmniFocus only displays pictures inline if they're smaller than a certain size. But where exactly that cut-off point is, I don't know.

But I haven't tried the pixel thing, I'm working on it...

Originally Posted by junglesgal View Post
Thank you, I've just tried this. The pictures that it displays are about 30-40 kb so I decreased the size of some other pictures but they were still attached as icons.
By the way, all pictures are jpg's but the ones that OmniFocus is willing to display are from the same source. I don't know if it's important or in what way they might be different from the others.
Thank you, your theory was right! I reduced the width and height of the pictures (to 340/512 or similar) and it works! Thank you so much!

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Are the ones that appear as icons larger (in pixel dimensions or file size) than the picture that displays inline?

I'm not certain of this, but my theory is that OmniFocus only displays pictures inline if they're smaller than a certain size. But where exactly that cut-off point is, I don't know.

Glad it worked out! And really, you did all the hard work. ;-)


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