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Acccess to the cache? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Unfortunately, OW's (or WebKit's) cache consists of files named <foo>.cache in some binary format I can't open.

Is there another way, similar to Firefox's "about:cache", to access the cache?
I have no experience with it, but you might try File Juicer
Hm—actually, it 's quite seldom that I need this. Not often enough to buy software for it.

Anyway, there is probably documentation about the format somewhere on the net, and some inconvenient but free tool. I will ask Google when I really need that. :-) I was mainly curious if there was some function similar to "about:cache" built into OW and/or WebKit.
I'm not actually familiar with about:cache--what does it do?
Originally Posted by Len Case
I'm not actually familiar with about:cache--what does it do?
In Firefox 2.0 RC 3 you get:

Memory cache device

Number of entries: 50
Maximum storage size: 18432 KiB
Storage in use: 606 KiB
Inactive storage: 0 KiB

List Cache Entries
Disk cache device

Number of entries: 15
Maximum storage size: 50000 KiB
Storage in use: 36 KiB
Cache Directory: /Users/derekJAB/Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/xx9qzqwj.default/Cache

List Cache Entries
The DiskCacheInspector example program that comes with Xcode will work with the OmniWeb cache. In AppController.m, change "Library/Caches/Safari" to "Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5/WebKitCache", build & go.

Retrospective is this >< close to being useful here, but it doesn't come with an option to point to the OmniWeb cache.
Originally Posted by Len Case
I'm not actually familiar with about:cache--what does it do?
Just to make it clear: The "List Cache Entries" link will present a list with all cached items and links to them.

To be honest, I only knew that this was there in Firefox and had never tried it out—I thought it was more useful than it actually is, now that I have tested it and know how it works. :-)

A graphical representation of the cache entries would be great, and links that point directly to the cache, not the websites the entries originate from, in order to make it possible to retrieve stuff (pictures, especially) from the cache without checking for new versions on the net first.

But again—the last time I ever tried to retrieve pictures from the cache is VERY long ago, and I don't think there are that many people out there who really need such a feature. Probably not worth the engineering effort. :-)

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