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Cannot turn off wrap to shape in text boxes Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Since the upgrade to 5.4, text wrapping in text boxes is out-of-wack.

Specifically, text boxes are always wrapping the text they contain irrespective of how I have the options selected in the text inspector.

Also, if I select an image (with no text in it), and then in the text inspector select "Resize to fit", the image is squashed in the top-bottom dimension. The only way to get the image back to its proper proportions is to undo that change.

I do not remember the old version having that behavior. Why is changing the text wrap even allowed for an image?

I have already submitted the text wrap behavior as feedback, but hoping someone else had noticed/ had a work-around.
Just dropping a quick note here to let you know that this issue should be fixed in the latest 5.4.1 beta, which can be found on our sneaky peek page.

We're hoping to have 5.4.1 wrapped up early next week and submitted to the Mac App Store as well as putting out a release candidate for it.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

OmniGrafflePro-5.4.x-r168013-Alpha seems to have fixed it!

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