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Window Position Not Remembered Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is anyone else having these problems:

1) The window position on the screen and the geometry of the window are only "remembered" when I quit OmniFocus. If I simply close the window, work in another application, then click the already open OmniFocus app in the dock, my window resets to what it was when OmniFocus was quit not what it was when the window was closed.

2) Beyond the window position and geometry, my "view options" are reset each time the window is opened to what it was when OmniFocus was last quit. Hiding the window works fine and as expected, but seems a bit unnatural. Closing the window should behave like Mail, iCal, or iTunes. The position and settings should be saved.

These two "bugs" (if they really are) have been driving me nuts to the point that OF is useless. My previous workflow (and one that used to work many versions back) was to leave OF open all the time but simply close the window. During my workday, I would open the Context view and select the context I want to work in. I may start a task and then close the OF window, when that task is done I simply reopen the OF window, mark it complete, and move on. Now, for this to work I have to quit OF as simply closing the window doesn't save my position and "view options". Since quitting OF each time is unnatural and seemingly unnecessary, I've unconsciously trained myself not to even use it.
I can see how this behavior would be irritating, though personally I just leave the OF window open underneath my other windows.

What about hiding OmniFocus or minimizing its window? They're both single-keystroke commands.
Hiding does work, and I'm trying to do that as best I can when I remember.
Logged as <bug://bugs/43197> (Window Position Not Remembered)
I fixed a little bit of related code today, but this definitely remains. Thanks!
CTO, The Omni Group
Thanks for the note. At the very least I know I'm not the only one and I don't have to go hunting around my system for a corrupt preference or something that I thought may be only affecting me.

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