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Your database couldn't be synchronized Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
After using Omnifocus for iPhone for the day - and updating it throughout the day - I am no longer able to sync it to my Mac. I get the following error on my iPhone:
Your database couldn't be synchronized, because the server and local versions are no longer compatible. Which database would you like to use?

At this point, the iPhone version is more up to date. Is there a way for me to replace the Omnifocus data on my Mac with what's on my phone?

Pretty sure that between syncs I installed today's sneakypeak over yesterday's.

If not, there should be a way to copy iPhone data over to the desktop without jailbreaking my phone.

On the iPhone, choose "Local". Then the next time you sync your Mac, you'll get a similar error. This time you'll want to choose "Server" (because that has the iPhone's data now).

If this happens again and you can figure out how the databases got confused, could you please send us an email? We'd love to fix the bug!
This just happened to me. Here is what I believe I did to trigger it. I was able to get the initial sync from my mac to my iPhone just fine. However, anything I added on my iPhone was not syncing back to the Mac. So, I just tried to enter a test action item on my Mac to see if it was at least syncing one-way. It was at that time that the error came up on my iPhone. So, my assumption was that since each database had new, unsync'd items in it, it was unable to figure out how to sync since both versions had been changed since the last sync.

However, from looking inside the package contents of the sync file, I would think the software could tell which items to sync out of each database, as each one appears to be separately contained. But, I guess that's an issue for y'all.

Unfortunately, after following your suggestions here, my iPhone and Mac databases are still out of sync. The action items I have added to my iPhone are still not in OmniFocus on my Mac. Thoughts?

UPDATE: My computer again asked me what copy to use (local or server). I choose server again and this time the contents of my iPhone OmniFocus did show up on my Mac version. I'll keep testing and see if it's fixed now.

UPDATE: I have been able to get it to sync both ways, but I am manually syncing from the iPhone when I make a change there and syncing from the Mac when I make a change there. I wonder if the problem arises when changes are made between syncs between the scheduled sync on the Mac side (every hour). I say this b/c it looks like your software on the Mac is set to sync only once per hour and not in a "push-like" fashion. So, the databases can easily get out of sync.

Last edited by khcole; 2008-07-12 at 09:24 PM..
I'm a new user and like the product a lot (both Mac and iPhone) but had the same "Your database couldn't be synchronized, because the server and local versions are no longer compatible. Which database would you like to use?" problem as previous posters. It looks like there's been no response from Omni about making this work without having an error message generated? I know it's a complicated process, but this is not an inexpensive investment. So Omni, what is the answer? thanks

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