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Script to copy iCal todos into Omnifocus inbox? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi guys

I have a Nokia 2865 phone which I sync with my mac. This lets me sync todos to iCal along with my calendar and address book. I can get to my todo list with a single button press from the home screen of the Nokia.

I currently use my phones todo list as an inbox to capture events, actions or ideas which I can then sync to my mac when I get home to process them into Omnifocus and delete them from the to do list in iCal.

I have just installed Omnifocus and am wondering how it would be possible to script the process of copying the note title (that's all that the notes contain) and then making these as new inbox items in Omnifocus. I did a google search and forum search but couldn't find anything.

I have zero scripting experience but am reasonably clued up about macs and would be happy to troubleshoot it with someone else who was a bit more experienced in writing applescripts.

Thanks, Daniel.

EDIT: I realised this would be better in OmniFocus Extras forums so I reposted it here. I would remove this post but I can't.

Last edited by danielcompton; 2010-09-04 at 01:17 AM.. Reason: Realised this should go in OmniFocus Extras
Hi guys

I have a Nokia 6120 phone which I sync with my mac through iSync. It runs Symbian 3rd edition FP1. This lets me sync todos to iCal along with my calendar and address book. I can get to my todo list with a single button press from the home screen of the Nokia.

I currently use my phones todo list as an inbox to capture events, actions or ideas which I can then sync to my mac when I get home to process them into Omnifocus and delete them from the to do list in iCal.

I have just installed Omnifocus and am wondering how it would be possible to script the process of copying the note title (that's all that the notes contain) and then making these as new inbox items in Omnifocus. I did a google search and forum search but couldn't find anything.

I have zero scripting experience but am reasonably clued up about macs and would be happy to troubleshoot it with someone else who was a bit more experienced in writing applescripts.

Thanks, Daniel.

Last edited by danielcompton; 2010-09-04 at 05:06 AM.. Reason: I needed to update my phone model
The file from the Nokia is a text file of simple lines without any substructure, where each line needs to become an inbox item name ?

(I remember an earlier Nokia setup in which each note was a separate text file, and did sketch a script for that, but I imagine the current setup might be a bit different).


Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-09-04 at 03:45 AM..
Hi Rob, I didn't realise that was how it worked. The phone is running symbian 3 and is a 6120. My last Nokia was a 2865 and I got the two confused.

I'm more interested in solving this via the route of - Nokia to do >sync to iCal > create new note in the OF inbox > delete old note. I currently sync via bluetooth and it works really simply and syncs contacts and my calendar as well.

I'm not sure how to do this but in my head it would be
1. Sync with phone
2. Get title of first to do
3. Make new OF action from title
4. Delete to do
5. Repeat 2-4 until number of to do's is 0.

My thought for a slightly more advanced version would be to have the script only copy across and delete notes that started with a ".". That way I could start a OF action by first placing a period and then writing the note into my phone and still have the option of using the to do as a list for things to check off. That would be a lot more complex though...
Something like this - Be Careful!!!! This would delete all of the todos from iCal.

tell application "iCal"
	set theCalendars to every calendar
	repeat with theCalendar in theCalendars
		set theTodos to every todo in theCalendar
		repeat with theTodo in theTodos
			set theTodoSummary to summary of theTodo
			tell application "OmniFocus" to tell default document
				make new inbox task with properties {name:theTodoSummary}
			end tell
			delete theTodo
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell
Thanks heaps Chris, that's perfect. When I get a bit more proficient with Applescript I might twiddle to add further features but this is awesome.

Much thanks, Daniel.

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