My company specializes in Visio and we produce shapes for many manufacturers. For performance reasons, we typically convert highly detailed Visio geometry into enhanced metafiles and encapsulate the image within a Visio master shape.
We tested OminiGraffle V3 early in 2005 and it did not import these Visio shapes with metafiles. Does V4 support this? We would like to offer OminiGraffle versions of these graphics and I have a specific large customer who is requesting this for the Visio shapes we supply to them.
We tested OminiGraffle V3 early in 2005 and it did not import these Visio shapes with metafiles. Does V4 support this? We would like to offer OminiGraffle versions of these graphics and I have a specific large customer who is requesting this for the Visio shapes we supply to them.