When viewing http://www.berlingske.dk (a large Danish newspaper) the load resources goes on and on.
I don't know if it started here with SP11 but it was not a case in 5.1.3. Perhaps this webpage is done wrong but as mentioned there wasn't any problem in earlier versions of OmniWeb.
In fact this issue destabilize my internet connection - so it would be nice if I can do something to end this infinity load of resources.
It's only with berlingske.dk I have seen this issue.
I've tried to attach a small screenshot of it - hope it is visible.
I don't know if it started here with SP11 but it was not a case in 5.1.3. Perhaps this webpage is done wrong but as mentioned there wasn't any problem in earlier versions of OmniWeb.
In fact this issue destabilize my internet connection - so it would be nice if I can do something to end this infinity load of resources.
It's only with berlingske.dk I have seen this issue.
I've tried to attach a small screenshot of it - hope it is visible.