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can I change the color of the context view? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If I'm in context view, the pane on the left is a bright yellow. I’m not a fan of bright yellow but I can’t figure out how to change the color to something I find more pleasing.

Can this be done? I know there’s a toolbar color icon but I've yet to figure out what it actually does.
nothing here, huh?

Now that the email clipping functionality has been enhanced, this app is starting to grow on me. I’m finding ways to work around some of the things to give it a genuine demo, but dang, I REALLY hate that yellow color. I don’t know what it is, but it just irritates me. I know this probably sounds dumb, but I find myself not wanting to open the app because of it. It’s jarring to my eye.

I love the look of the app besides that. Can’t be that hard to change the color of it, programmatically.
Try this. Highlight something in the sidebar, then hit cmd-T to bring up the fonts window. Set the background color to something besides yellow. You may have to do this with every type of thing in the sidebar (folders and projects or contexts). Quite OF and relaunch. Now your sidebar is magically delicious (or at least mine is -- now how do I undo this?)
I should say, try at your own risk. Now in trying to undo it I've got a black sidebar..... Careful.
OK, that worked great. I’ve now got the color changed, thanks!

And I think I've found a bug. Tried doing the same thing to the main task display area. Pure white is tough on the eyes. Doesn’t work the same in that section, though.

Then I tried modifying the color of the tasks. Like overdue is red, due tomorrow is orange. I can change those colors, respectively, but after quitting and restarting, they’re back to red and orange. Text color selections don’t persist. I’ve reported it as a bug. Either they need to persist, or they need to not allow us to change them. But allowing a change and then discarding that after a restart has to be a bug.
So I tried to do this with my OF (latest as of 12:20AM PST) but I can only change the background color behind the text labels, not the entire context pane.

Am I missing something?
Originally Posted by bradd View Post
So I tried to do this with my OF (latest as of 12:20AM PST) but I can only change the background color behind the text labels, not the entire context pane.

Am I missing something?

try just selecting a context, rather than the "Contexts"/"No Contexts" rows at the top.
bradd....that’s all it did for me until I quit and restart, and then the change occupied the entire context space.
It would be really great if this were undoable with cmd-Z.

Interestingly, changing the color seems to mark the document as dirty (if I understand the meaning of that), and when I quit OF after making only a color change, it asks if I want to save. But if I choose don't save, the color change is saved anyway.

I was able to undo it by downloading a plist editor and following the instructions in this post of Tim's.
so now it appears it’s impossible for me to have different colors for the context and project panes because the first two rows of both views will use the same color regardless of the pane. So if I try to make the entire context pane, including the first two rows (context/no context) one color, then the inbox/library rows will have that same color. If I then try to make the entire project pane have a different color, then the contexts/no context rows inherit THAT color.

This is dumb.

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